Wednesday, August 17, 2016

letter to emery | 8 months old

How have you been here with us for 8 months, Em?! Talk about an amazing whirlwind of the last 8 months! I feel like I need to start this off by saying just how incredible of a baby you are. You have been an amazing blessing to us. You are SO relaxed. You hardly ever fuss and if you do its because you are hungry. You are just such a happy thing no matter what is going on and I cannot express enough how much momma needed you! You smile and laugh so much and you always can calm momma down with just a smile.

You are the sweetest thing! You love to follow avery and bryson everywhere during the day. If we go into the kitchen to make breakfast, you follow right behind us! I can put you on the ground in the mornings after we get up and you will play for hours. You love to crawl around to the furniture and pull up and see what you can grab onto. If you can get anything in those hands, you best believe it will go straight to your mouth. We really have to watch avery because she will leave crumbs  everywhere and lets just say you may have got an early taste of chips. ;)

You are not only pulling up, but you are cruising too! We have also started letting you try to push a walker around and you have actually done very well pushing it. It's incredible how strong you are, little bit. You amaze me everyday with something new you are doing!

If I am sitting in the floor with you, you deliberately look for my hands because you love to use them to stand up. So, I will put my hand out and you will put your little hand in it and reach for my other one so you can pull up. It is so cute that you do that.  You are also starting to pull yourself up on my legs if I am standing in the kitchen which makes cooking mighty hard!

You are still a chunk and you have the best rolls on your thighs! You love to eat! We are slowly introducing table food because while you will eat baby food, you really aren't thrilled with most of it We all feel so guilty eating in front of you because you are so, so interested so you are getting small amounts of table food and you are loving everything. You are also doing so great with a sippy cup!
You do prefer veggies over fruit like your daddy!

Avery still takes away anything that you are playing with and she will say "no no no," We are working on that! She is so good about bringing your paci and lovie to you if you are fussy and she loves to kiss you on your hand and head. She is saying "Em" now but still mostly calls you "sissy." You really love to follow her around and if she is running from the kitchen to the living room, you are following right behind her.  You are extremely patient with her. If she insists on giving you a bottle, you will just sit there at ease and let her take the bottle out of your mouth and then put it back in, over and over.

You are really interested in TV and will break your neck if you hear a commercial with songs on it. You will literally come to a dead stop to watch the commercial. It is so funny! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is definitely your favorite!

You are a belly sleeper and you love to sleep with a lovie. You are still waking up about once a night to eat, but thankfully you go right back to sleep. You take 2 naps a day and sometimes will even nap for 3 hours! You are in size 4 diapers and you are wearing 9-12 month clothes! 

I love you so much Emery Cate! You are so special to momma and daddy and i hope you always know that! 

keep growing big and strong
you are so loved

**pictures were WAY harder this month!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Goodbye to Summerlin Place

We have officially closed a very special chapter of our lives. We moved into our very first home when we were just celebrating our first year anniversary and we moved out with two babies in tow and so many wonderful memories.

Summerlin Place will forever remind me of being pregnant with avery and emery and those precious girls as newborns.  Wherever you bring your babies home will always have a piece of your heart.

I will never forget...
the early days when tyler was at the police academy and constantly praying friday would hurry & sunday would take it's time
the both of us sleeping all day and working all night
our first christmas tree 
(well, technically the second one...the first one we had to return because the lights didn't work)
carrying our two babies down those stairs every morning and praying to God I didn't fall.
how ave loved to sit on the first step leading to the staircase rocking her baby doll
the sounds of football & cheering coming from upstairs
Mickey Mouse always playing in the background
white cribs & teal and gray walls
seeing the light on in the bonus room in the middle of the night when tyler was staying up to prepare for night shift
warm days spent outside with ave on the swing
all the times spent with our incredible family and friends
(who, I should add, helped us paint and move in and out! we are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives.)
long nights with em, early mornings with ave and hoping for naps in the afternoons all while surviving on countless cups of coffee
hosting showers for some mommas that I love so dearly
watching avery become a big sister & immediately act like em had always been there with us
navigating living together for the first time, marriage, parents of one and then parents of two
celebrating avery's first birthday
watching avery take her first steps in the living room
where I was when they smiled at me for the first time
hearing the sweet sounds of baby laughter
finding out our babies were girls
and...all the love