Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I could stay this way forever and ever
i just love her face in this picture
nap time for the girls 
I love lunch dates with the twin
theres nothing better than daddy cuddles
our precious night owl
avery enjoying the pizza from morgan
play/dinner dates are the best

we ventured out in the snow with cousin bryson

sisterly love - SN: avery was super tired which is the only reason this picture was possible

panthers are going to the super bowl!

the most special thing about 3/52 was that a friend of mine who I have known since 6th grade was asking me how my week was going. She is also a mom of two and is pregnant with her third. She wanted to make sure I was doing okay because she is very familiar with the chaos that comes with two little ones. I told her that I wasn't getting much sleep and really just poured my heart out to her. She informed me that she was having dinner sent to my house so I didn't have to cook that night.  It was the sweetest and most thoughtful thing ever! (morgan, you rock!) 

Friday, January 22, 2016

a letter to emery | one month

Our precious Emery! How are you a month old already, little bit?
 I'll tell you what, I never expected to have two children so close together, but man oh man am I so glad to have you. You are a piece of me that I didn't even know i was missing. 

Our world has been rocked once more and we couldn't be happier. It has honestly been a whirlwind of a month, but I feel like things are starting to finally become our new normal.

You have had a rough few weeks of life but you have proven to be quite strong. You had to be hospitalized at 2 weeks old for RSV. The doctor told us in the hospital when you were born that we could expect you to get sick sooner since we had a young child at home, but we definitely didn't expect for you to get sick that soon. You sure did scare us, but after two weeks I can officially say you are better!

Judging by your 3d ultrasound, we thought for sure you would be identical to Avery, but you definitely have your own look about you. You have the most beautiful dark brown hair and the prettiest skin. I think you favor your momma. :) 

You are holding your head up for long periods of time and you love being put in the moby wrap. (it's almost like being pregnant with you again). You love looking at lights. You make THE BEST kissy face with your lips puckered up and it gets me every time! I just love it. I absolutely love kissing those cheeks of yours and I pretty much just kiss them constantly.

 After you sneeze, you make the cutest "sigh" sound. Ah, its just adorable! I never want to forget that sound. You have hiccups a few times a day and you absolutely hate them. You will fuss and fuss until they are gone.

We have been working on a nickname for you. I usually call you "little bit" but since we call your sister "bird" we are waning an animal nickname for you. Your cousin Bryson wants you to be called "owl" because you will name the "O" face and look all around like an owl. (he came up with that all on his own and we were so tickled by that!) We will see what sticks in the next few months!

You are quite the eater! I was told that since you were 8 pounds when you were born that you would be a hungry baby and that you are! You eat so much little bit! I can't wait until your next appointment so I can see how much you weigh! 

Your sister just loves to give you kisses and hugs and she looks for you immediately in the mornings. She points at you and walks over to check on you. I cant wait to watch the two of y'all grow up together.  We have spent the last month watching your sister and you in awe. She knows you are something for her to protect and something for her to "pet" and love on. She loves to touch your head and will giggle and get excited every time she touches you or you make a sound. Watching the two of y'all together is a new favorite of mine.

You are officially smiling at me! What a sweet day that was when you smiled at me for the first time. You have only smiled a handful of times so far, but oh I already love that precious smile of yours.

Sometimes the most unexpected things are our biggest blessings and I thank God every day for changing our plans by giving us you. 
You are so loved baby girl.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


this was the first week of having of girls all by myself which meant tons of coffee, PJs all day, and lots of snuggles. It was the most challenging week of my life. I have a new found respect for moms of multiple children (my mom included who some how survived twins, working full time with a crazy 5 year old). Seriously, y'all are rock stars and deserved to be celebrated because it is no easy task. I never knew my attention could be pulled in so many different directions. If you've seen me lately i'm sure I had yoga pants on and a sweat shirt with zero make up on. My house has never been messier and I have never been more exhausted in my life, but I'll tell you what, my heart has never been fuller and I have never been happier than I am right now.

So, heres to many more sleepless nights, coffee, and yoga pants for this new mom of two under two :)

officially one month old

this book lover brings me books to read all morning long
she loves hugging her sister

middle of the night + a toddler who won't sleep + mommy and daddys bed
my girls napping on me
officially 14 months old

Thursday, January 14, 2016


 The first week of January always feels like a fresh start to me so this year, as sort of a resolution, I hope to post weekly pictures of our new adventures as a family of four. I feel like these days are going by so fast and I want so desperately to be able to remember my girls this little always so this will be my attempt. 

holding my baby girls

pizza for dinner and ice cream for desert

first bath together

what my mornings look like with a newborn

holding emery means avery is climbing up to join

glancing down and seeing a grin

a day date with just avery to monkey joes

mail came in the form of two beautiful, handmade ornaments from megan