Friday, August 22, 2014

Avery Claire | Week 25 + 5 Days

Days down: 180
Days to go: 100

Movement: Yes! I started listening to music while I get ready & Avery absolutely loves it! She moves and dances to the music! :) She is definitely my girl!

Pregnancy Symptoms: I still have to pee all the time, but that doesn't seem like it will be getting any better for the remainder of my pregnancy so I guess I should just get used to it. Blah!

Best things about this week: Avery's crib is put together and in her room!! We also painted an old dresser we got from my cousin Megan white & moved it into it's spot in her room! We have lots to do, but I feel like we have finally made some progress!

Sleep: It's getting harder to get comfortable at night. The most comfortable position is on my back, but I am trying to stay away from that position. Maybe I will try a body pillow in the weeks to come!

Food Cravings: Nothing in particular this week!

Random facts about Avery this week: Avery is the size of an eggplant this week! She is about 13 inches long this week (crown to heel) and around 1 and 1/2 pounds! She knows which way is up and down now and she can grab and hold her feet and umbilical cord. The blood vessels in her lungs have developed enough to help them take in air and her nostrils are open now. -- Which is why they say a fetus at 25 weeks is viable outside the womb. :)

We love our sweet little girl and absolutely cannot wait to meet her in November!

1 comment:

  1. you look amazing! and go, tyler!! i love watching y'all become parents :)
