Our free bird,
I know I will write this and tear up with every word I write. You have been with us for 2 whole years now and every single day gets better. There has been no greater privilege and blessing than getting to be your mom. You have rocked my world completely and I will be forever thankful for that sweet smile and scrunched up nose. You make me a better person and for that I am so grateful.
No one prepared me for you. The love I feel for you is nothing like I have ever experienced. Your pain is my pain and your joy is my joy. I look at you with adoration quite often because it is still unbelievable you are ours. I still feel at times I can see that 6 pounds 15 ounce baby looking back at me.
This year has undoubtedly been a very life changing year for us. You were called to take on the"big sister" role at just 13 months old. Words cannot express those emotions. It was so unexpected and I was the most nervous about how I felt like I was robbing you of precious time with us. But, oh sweet girl, how I was so incredibly wrong. The pure joy I see in your eyes when you spot Em in the mornings and how you always make sure Em is going with us wherever we are going proves me so wrong. I realized that when God chose this path for our family, He gave you the gift of sisterhood and that is one of the sweetest gifts you will ever receive.
You told me "love you much" without me saying it first a few weeks ago and my sweet girl, that was one of my favorite moments ever. Since then you will say "sissy love you much" & "daddy love you much" and that was so sweet to hear! You have such a sweet soul and I love that quality is shining through so young.
You are definitely a daddy's girl and you are sure to let me know it! When asked if you are mommy's girl you are quick to say "no, daddy's girl!" A few times you have been sitting with daddy and will look at me and say randomly "daddy's girl!" He sure loves that!
No one prepared me for you. The love I feel for you is nothing like I have ever experienced. Your pain is my pain and your joy is my joy. I look at you with adoration quite often because it is still unbelievable you are ours. I still feel at times I can see that 6 pounds 15 ounce baby looking back at me.
This year has undoubtedly been a very life changing year for us. You were called to take on the"big sister" role at just 13 months old. Words cannot express those emotions. It was so unexpected and I was the most nervous about how I felt like I was robbing you of precious time with us. But, oh sweet girl, how I was so incredibly wrong. The pure joy I see in your eyes when you spot Em in the mornings and how you always make sure Em is going with us wherever we are going proves me so wrong. I realized that when God chose this path for our family, He gave you the gift of sisterhood and that is one of the sweetest gifts you will ever receive.
You told me "love you much" without me saying it first a few weeks ago and my sweet girl, that was one of my favorite moments ever. Since then you will say "sissy love you much" & "daddy love you much" and that was so sweet to hear! You have such a sweet soul and I love that quality is shining through so young.
You are definitely a daddy's girl and you are sure to let me know it! When asked if you are mommy's girl you are quick to say "no, daddy's girl!" A few times you have been sitting with daddy and will look at me and say randomly "daddy's girl!" He sure loves that!
You love all animals, but dogs and cats are your favorite.
You love to drink apple juice.
You love to have your nails painted and will show everyone you can your "pretty" nails.
You say "aw" after you give kisses.
You love to have you back scratched - "back please"
You love and I mean LOVE pillows. If you spot a pillow, you immediately want to lay on it...and then we hear "blanket too!"
You love having fun! You love to play outside and you love to be with friends.
Baby "claire" & "cate" are your favorite dolls and they go everywhere with you.
Mickey mouse clubhouse is your favorite show and you request to watch it all the time!
You are the least picky toddler I have ever met! You love all foods! You even like salmon!
You love to play with purses and cell phones and you love to gather everything and anything in your arms.
I literally cannot touch a pen to a paper without you screaming you want to color too.
You love to drink apple juice.
You love to have your nails painted and will show everyone you can your "pretty" nails.
You say "aw" after you give kisses.
You love to have you back scratched - "back please"
You love and I mean LOVE pillows. If you spot a pillow, you immediately want to lay on it...and then we hear "blanket too!"
You love having fun! You love to play outside and you love to be with friends.
Baby "claire" & "cate" are your favorite dolls and they go everywhere with you.
Mickey mouse clubhouse is your favorite show and you request to watch it all the time!
You are the least picky toddler I have ever met! You love all foods! You even like salmon!
You love to play with purses and cell phones and you love to gather everything and anything in your arms.
I literally cannot touch a pen to a paper without you screaming you want to color too.
Your vocabulary has exploded and you say new words every single day. We love watching you learn and try new things. One of my favorite things you do is you try to read. You start stringing together all sorts of sounds when you open a book and it sounds like you are speaking a different language. It's so funny!
I have started calling you free bird because you love to run ... and girl, you are fast. When you take off, there is no looking back. Literally. You are the happiest when you get to freely run and you could care less if we are following behind.
Our two year old Avery, I hope to always remember what it looks like to see you running up ahead at full speed, your dirty face and shirt after almost everything you eat, the feel of your kisses, the silly look on your face when you are trying to make us laugh, the sweet sound of your voice and laughter and the way you look when you are sound asleep.
We love you so much!
Our two year old Avery, I hope to always remember what it looks like to see you running up ahead at full speed, your dirty face and shirt after almost everything you eat, the feel of your kisses, the silly look on your face when you are trying to make us laugh, the sweet sound of your voice and laughter and the way you look when you are sound asleep.
We love you so much!