Thursday, May 21, 2015

a letter to avery | 6 months old

You are 16 pounds and 13 ounces and are 27 inches long. You are back up to the 89th percentile for height! You are getting so big!

You love for us to stand you up on your legs so you can look around. You stomp those legs and move around so much! Its hard to hold you standing on your legs for long! You are making all sorts of little sounds now and oh my gosh I just love to hear them. You love to put your lips together and say "Mmmmm" the most and let me tell you, It. is. so. cute. You are also getting really high pitched in your sounds, but you also have really delicate sounds. We think you are going to be quite the talker (like your momma!) You have found your tounge so you will make the wet sound with it and of course it causes you to drool all over the place.

I love to watch you play. I will lay you down on your back and you will immediately roll to your belly and search for something you can touch. Its usually your crinkle book or your light up turtle and you always put whatever is in your hand in your mouth. You are starting to get up on your knees and hands and you rock. You are so close to crawling! You also love to put your arms straight out and kick your legs so fast! It is so cute! It looks like you are either trying to swim or fly!

You are sitting up all by yourself! Such a big milestone! :) The doctor was even surprised when we told her! It took a lot of practice and a lot of falling over, but you have mastered it!

It's becoming harder to put your diapers on because you love to roll onto your belly and you still hate to get dressed. You are definitely teething because you are chewing on absolutely everything! I look into your mouth every day just to see if anything has poked through yet. When we try to get you to open your mouth, most of the time, you just try to lick our fingers!

You are the smiling-est baby! Your teachers at daycare call you "smiley" because you are just so happy! That smile...oh my goodness it melts us! You will be playing and then your eyes will catch ours and you will break out into the biggest grin! You will pretty much smile at anyone that pays you attention!

We took you to the pool for the first time this past weekend and you loved it! You floated around for an hour and half with your paci in your mouth and you just kicked your little legs. I can't wait for many more pool days this summer with you!

Your eyes are still blue and your hair is still dirty blonde and you still have the cutest cheeks! Oh, I love to kiss them! I quite possibly kiss you over a hundred times a day and I'm pretty sure you are going to think your name is "i love you" because I tell you so much!

We are thankful for every single day we get to be your parents and we can't wait to keep watching you grow sweet girl!

bring on summertime!

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