Sunday, June 28, 2015

Baby Moore # 2 | week 14

14 weeks, already?! Baby Moore #2 is the size of a lemon & growing by the day! 

I am thankful the second trimester is here! 
Nausea & extreme exhaustion have finally passed! Thank you, Jesus! It sure is tough not feeling 100% & having to keep up with 7 month old who has learned how to crawl! I'm not even ashamed to say I napped with Avery A LOT the last couple of months! ;)

 So far, this pregnancy has been very similar to my pregnancy with Avery! I have had the exact same symptoms. Of course, most everyone I've talked to thinks I'm having a boy! Funny story...I was really good at putt-putt this year at the beach (I actually won a round against my entire family which I have never done!) which convinced my mom I am pregnant with a boy. Haha! I'm honestly not feeling one way or the other & I honestly don't care what this precious baby is! Being a mom is my most favorite thing & I am so blessed that I get to be a mom to another little one! :)

Happy July, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet little baby! I cannot wait to know if "it" is a girl or boy! Either way, (s)he is already so loved!
