16 months old
With the chaos that is my life these days, I am very much aware that most days, when I try to think back on them, are a blur. After the arrival of Emery, life became very different for us. I am so scared that I will look back one day and not remember the little things that my biggest girl does that have touched my heart so much. It's the little things that will bring a smile to my face so I want to write them down as often as I can.
here is a glimpse into our life with you, bird!
You get your diaper changed first thing and is immediately touching your paci to let me know you are hungry. This is something that we have found so adorable! We love that you do this! In part because it is so cute, but also because you are able to let me know a need of yours. Sometimes you bang your paci so hard which is so funny! Once we get downstairs, you immediately want to check on Emery. You start saying baby (which sounds an awful lot like dada) and will walk over to with your (middle) finger in the air. After you check on Emery, we walk into the kitchen where I get you breakfast and fill up your cup. Your favorite breakfast is pancakes, bananas, or muffins. You will sit at your minnie mouse table for a little while, but then you love to wander around the house.
One of the first things you play with is your books. You love to sit in our laps and be read to! You usually don't let us finish the first page before you are grabbing the books and trying to turn the pages though. You don't have much of an attention span so once you are done looking at your book, off you go. You literally will have your hands on everything in our living room in the first hour you are awake. You are such a busy body and you absolutely love to climb on things....the coffee table, the couch, the toy box, and your chairs at your minnie table. You sure keep us on our toes!
You love to pull things out of drawers and cabinets and if I even try to pick up the mess you make, it immediately draws your attention to what I'm doing and you will start pulling everything out again! You also do this if I try to put up your clothes in your drawers so I get to do everything twice! :) You will also unload the dishwasher as I am loading it or drag the clothes out of the dryer as I put them in. So, our house is constantly a mess because there is no sense in picking up constantly...but I'm sure our friends and family are pretty used to this by now!
You love to blow kisses to people and make the "muuuu ah" sound! You also has the most precious wave! You dance to any music you hear...like the music on jeopardy. You love to play with your baby doll! Your favorite baby doll allows you to put a bottle in it's mouth so you will walk over to your baby couch to sit and feed the baby. You are also starting to cover the baby up and rock her which I find so cute because you have picked up on me doing that with Emery.
You love to be outside and go "bye-bye." If you see someone go outside, you will have have a melt down if you aren't able to go outside, too. You put your shoes and jacket on with no problems because you know that means you get to go outside. One of your favorite things to do is swing! You would swing the entire day if I would let you, I'm sure of it.
You still hate to have your diaper changed and you hate to get dressed. This is a major struggle for us! You would think you would eventually get used to something that happens multiple times a day, but its a struggle almost every time. You still love bath time and find it very exciting that Emery gets to take a bath with you. You have started washing her feet for me which you love to do. You also have started touching her belly button.
You love to put things around your neck..especially my purse. You love to put things that have a handle on your arm like it is a purse and the funny thing is, is that you will immediately start waving. While doing this, you also like to grab as much stuff as you can in your other arm. (I wonder if you see me do this?!)
You love to look at videos on phones. Especially mine, papas, and memes...did I say you LOVE it?! You will grab my phone, cross your legs at the ankles, and start pressing your thumb against the screen. You typically mess my phone all up, call and text people, and pull up everything.
You bring so much attention when are out because you are so social! You love to wave and smile at everybody and you are usually running around stores which people seem to love. Every single time we are out in public someone comments on how big and beautiful your eyes are! When we are out at a restaurant and you decide you are done sitting in your high chair, you will start extending your arms out to everyone and anyone to get you out of the chair. We are working on having you sit for longer periods of time at the table without picking you up. Once were done with dinner and we put you on the ground, off you go in a full sprint! Man, you are fast!
When aunt ashton comes over, you get the biggest smile on your face! After you have hugged her, you immediately start pointing to the door looking for Bryson! You love you some Bryson! You will give him hugs and kisses without even asking and boy does he make you laugh! If I even mention the word ashton or bryson at home, you immediately start looking at the door!
We recently had your 15 month check up and you weigh 22 pounds and 7 ounces and are 31.5 inches long! You are in the 66% for weight and in the 78% for height! The doctor calls you her favorite patient because you literally sit so still for her with the biggest smile on your face as she listens to your lungs and heart and looks in your ears. As soon as she puts her stethoscope down, you will grab it and put it up to your chest! (maybe someone will be a nurse like her momma!) She comments on how smart you are, too! Of course we think so! :)
You have 4 teeth (finally!) You have the top two and the bottom two! You look so darn cute with your top teeth coming in! You didn't get your first tooth until you were 11 months and now it seems like they are all wanting to come in at once! You have 3 more teeth that we can see that are about to break through any minute.
When we talk to you or ask you questions, most of the time, your response is "hmmm?" It is so cute! You talk all day long, but its just jibber jabber! You say about 5- 7 words consistently and the word we hear 90% of the time is dada!
I want to make sure I tell you how great you are doing being a big sister. You love to touch her feet and her hair. If she has a blanket over her, you usually will try to uncover her, but if the blanket is already on the floor, you will want to cover her back up. If Emery makes a noise you get so tickled and start laughing. You love to watch every time I change Emery's diaper and you love to bring me a diaper for her! You give it to me and start clapping! I think you get more smiles from Emery than anyone! You will hug and kiss Emery without ever being asked and you love to make her swing rock. For the most part, you are used to Emery being around now so you leave her in peace (most of the time).
You are so precious to us, Avery Claire! You have changed our world so much and you make every day so much better and so much fun! You are a handful bird, but I wouldn't have it any other way! The pure joy I feel when I look at you is indescribable! I can't believe you are already 16 months old!
We love you so much baby!